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Financial stability and bank runs

How stable is our financial system? And what risks do we see for banks and property markets?

Our host Katie Ranger delves into this topic with financial stability expert John Fell on The ECB Podcast.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Published on 7 June 2023 and recorded on 2 June 2023.

In this episode
Looking back at the last six months

What is a positive thing that has happened during the last six months in the financial sector, and what events are worrying?

How the bank failures and takeovers in the United States and Switzerland have affected euro area banks

Why were some of these events a surprise, and how much impact have they had on euro area banks?

Lessons learnt from the banking turmoil

What issues has the turmoil raised, what lessons can be learnt from these events, and why did the speed and scale of bank runs stand out?

Real estate markets

Which way are housing markets going after the long boom cycle?

Our guest’s hot tip

Our guest, John Fell, shares two film recommendations with our listeners.

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