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ECB to participate in light show “Luminale 2016” in Frankfurt

2 March 2016
  • ECB participating in Luminale 2016 from 13 to 18 March
  • ECB’s main building and the Eurotower will be illuminated from 20:00 to midnight
  • The euro symbol will be projected onto the main building

The European Central Bank (ECB) is participating in Luminale, a light show that takes place every two years in Frankfurt. Both the ECB’s main building by the river Main and the Eurotower in the city centre will be illuminated by a “symphony” of light consisting of bars, lines and circles – primarily in blue and yellow, the colours of the European Union. It will be based on Ludwig van Beethoven’s Prelude to the Ode to Joy, the European anthem. The euro symbol will be projected onto the south facade of the main building and will be visible to passenger planes on approach to land at Frankfurt airport.

The light show takes place every day from 20:00 CET to midnight from 13 to 18 March.

“The ECB’s participation in this event firmly establishes the new building, inaugurated last year, in Frankfurt’s skyline and landscape, and marks the completion of the Eurotower’s refurbishment before the ECB’s banking supervisors move in,” said Christine Graeff, Director General Communications.

For media queries, particularly if you are interested in taking photos or filming the light installation on the evening before the official start of Luminale please contact Rolf Benders, tel.: +49 69 1344 6925.


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The ECB at Luminale 2016

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