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A conversation about female empowerment, the need for an inclusive recovery and transatlantic cooperation

How can we foster the economic empowerment of women after the coronavirus crisis? And what role does transatlantic cooperation play in shaping a more inclusive recovery?

Listen to ECB President Christine Lagarde, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen talk about this and more in the latest episode of the ECB Podcast, hosted by Katie Ranger.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Published on 15 July 2021 and recorded on 12 July 2021.

In this episode
Economic empowerment of women

Why economic empowerment of women is vital, where we stand in Europe and the United States on economic empowerment and gender equality, and what needs to be done to foster economic empowerment.

Women amid the coronavirus crisis

How the coronavirus crisis has affected women and gender equality, how we can make the economic recovery inclusive and what’s being done to increase gender equality in the United States and Europe.

The role of transatlantic cooperation

Why renewed transatlantic cooperation is needed to take on the challenges of today, how international cooperation on climate change is moving forward and paving the way for others to do their part, and how Europe and the United States can work together in the future.

Our guests’ “hot tips” on female empowerment

What Christine Lagarde, Janet Yellen and Ursula von der Leyen recommend to learn more about female empowerment and gender equality.

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