Euro area balance of payments (Monthly developments in December 2004 and preliminary overall results for 2004)
In December 2004 the surplus on the seasonally adjusted current account of the euro area was EUR 2.7 billion. In the financial account, combined direct and portfolio investment recorded net inflows of EUR 44.4 billion, which predominantly reflected net inflows in equity securities.
In 2004 the current account surplus equalled EUR 40.2 billion (around 0.5% of GDP), as compared with EUR 22.2 billion (around 0.3% of GDP) in 2003. The surplus in the goods balance was EUR 104.8 billion in 2004 (around 1.4% of GDP), broadly unchanged from 2003. The combined direct and portfolio investment balance showed net inflows of EUR 18.3 billion in 2004, down from EUR 38.3 billion in 2003.
Current account
The seasonally adjusted current account of the euro area showed a surplus of EUR 2.7 billion in December 2004 (corresponding to a EUR 6.6 billion surplus in non-seasonally adjusted terms). This reflected surpluses in goods (EUR 7.0 billion) and services (EUR 0.6 billion), which were partly offset by deficits in current transfers (EUR 3.3 billion) and income (EUR 1.6 billion).
Compared with the revised data for November 2004, the seasonally adjusted current account surplus increased by EUR 1.0 billion, as a result of a rise in the surplus for goods (by EUR 1.4 billion) and a fall in the current transfers deficit, which were not offset by the decline in the surplus for services and the rise in the income deficit.
In 2004 as a whole, the surplus of the euro area seasonally adjusted current account amounted to EUR 40.2 billion, i.e. around 0.5% of GDP, as compared with EUR 22.2 billion in 2003. This increase resulted from lower deficits for income and, to a lesser extent, current transfers , as well as a higher surplus for services . The surplus in goods remained broadly unchanged (EUR 104.8 billion in 2004).
Financial account
In the financial account , combined direct and portfolio investment recorded net inflows of EUR 44.4 billion in December 2004 , reflecting net inflows in both direct investment (EUR 7.3 billion) and portfolio investment (EUR 37.1 billion).
The net inflows in direct investment were accounted for by net inflows in both equity capital and reinvested earnings (EUR 2.9 billion) and other capital (EUR 4.4 billion). In the latter category, net repayments of inter-company loans were made by both foreign affiliates of euro area companies (EUR 9.9 billion) and euro area affiliates of foreign companies (EUR 5.5 billion).
In portfolio investment , the net inflows of EUR 37.1 billion resulted from net inflows in equity securities . Specifically, foreign investors predominantly purchased euro area equity securities (EUR 28.9 billion), while euro area investors mostly sold foreign equity securities (EUR 11.2 billion). Debt instruments recorded net outflows of EUR 2.9 billion, partly due to the net sale of euro area money market instruments by non-residents.
Other investment recorded net outflows of EUR 38.5 billion, mainly as a result of net outflows by monetary financial institutions (MFIs) excluding the Eurosystem (EUR 43.0 billion).
Reserve assets decreased by EUR 1.6 billion (excluding valuation effects). The stock of the Eurosystem's reserve assets stood at EUR 279.6 billion at the end of December 2004.
In 2004 combined direct and portfolio investment showed net inflows of EUR 18.3 billion, compared with net inflows of EUR 38.3 billion in 2003. This mainly resulted from increased net outflows in direct investment (from EUR 3.4 billion to EUR 36.4 billion) that were only partly offset by higher net inflows in portfolio investment . Developments in direct investment predominantly reflected lower net investment in euro area companies by non-residents, while developments in portfolio investment primarily reflected an increase in net purchases of euro area equity securities by non-residents (from EUR 117.5 billion to EUR 127.3 billion). Net outflows in other investment decreased from EUR 73.7 billion in 2003 to EUR 32.1 billion in 2004. This mainly resulted from lower net outflows in other sectors , i.e. non-MFI corporations and householdsData revisions
Additional information on the euro area balance of payments and international investment position
Table 2: Monthly balance of payments of the euro area – non-seasonally adjusted data.
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