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Kezdőlap Média Kisokos Kutatás és publikációk Statisztika Monetáris politika Az €uro Fizetésforgalom és piacok Karrier
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Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non working day and non seasonally adjusted)

Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014
Transactions Other
Transactions Other
of GDP
Net/Balance -1,515 -1,421 -1,278 81 -127 -1,324 80 -42 -1,286 -13
of which: Direct investment 1,676 1,847 1,904 22 -59 1,867 5 -175 1,697 17
of which: Portfolio investment -3,469 -3,608 -3,673 92 -49 -3,631 93 -69 -3,606 -36
of which: Other investment -117 -101 35 -50 10 -6 -30 164 128 1
Assets 17,707 18,138 18,625 193 528 19,346 87 109 19,542 193
Direct investment 7,325 7,453 7,503 65 155 7,723 70 -252 7,542 75
Equity 5,081 5,130 5,152 47 78 5,277 28 -38 5,267 52
Debt instruments 2,245 2,323 2,351 18 77 2,447 42 -214 2,274 22
Portfolio investment 5,581 5,671 5,959 115 264 6,337 92 92 6,522 65
Equity 1,949 2,016 2,122 30 107 2,259 20 79 2,358 23
Investment fund shares 339 331 368 -4 43 407 -8 19 418 4
Debt securitites 3,292 3,324 3,468 88 114 3,671 80 -6 3,745 37
Short-term 471 481 506 25 61 592 22 -16 599 6
Long-term 2,821 2,842 2,962 63 53 3,079 57 10 3,146 31
Financial derivatives (net assets) -63 -56 -51 18 -42 -75 11 25 -39 -0
Other investment 4,405 4,574 4,707 -4 138 4,841 -88 231 4,983 49
of which: Currency and deposits 2,202 2,342 2,440 -28 78 2,490 -79 148 2,559 25
Reserve assets 459 497 507 -1 14 519 2 13 534 5
Liabilities 19,222 19,559 19,903 111 656 20,671 6 150 20,827 206
Direct investment 5,650 5,606 5,599 43 214 5,857 65 -77 5,845 58
Equity 3,721 3,693 3,686 48 88 3,822 70 20 3,912 39
Debt instruments 1,929 1,913 1,914 -5 126 2,035 -5 -97 1,933 19
Portfolio investment 9,050 9,279 9,632 23 313 9,968 -1 161 10,128 100
Equity 1,694 1,739 1,830 5 6 1,841 1 -11 1,830 18
Investment fund shares 2,482 2,587 2,698 55 188 2,941 35 21 2,998 30
Debt securities 4,874 4,953 5,104 -37 119 5,186 -37 152 5,300 52
Short-term 465 453 480 8 -5 484 -47 16 453 4
Long-term 4,409 4,500 4,624 -46 124 4,702 10 135 4,847 48
Other investment 4,523 4,674 4,672 46 128 4,846 -58 66 4,855 48
of which: Currency and deposits 2,785 2,823 2,802 21 85 2,908 -54 9 2,863 28
Memo item: Gross external debt 11,321 11,536 11,685 - - 12,063 - - 12,093 120
Memo item: Net external debt 1,202 1,130 971 - - 905 - - 875 9

Source: ECB.