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Podstawy Media Warto wiedzieć Badania i publikacje Statystyka Polityka pieniężna €uro Płatności i rynki Praca
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Table 1: International investment position of the euro area, including breakdown of changes from end- 2005 to end- 2006

(EUR billions unless otherwise indicated; outstanding amounts at end-of-period, flows during period)

2003 2004 2005 2006
Totalchanges Transactions1) Other changesin outstanding amountsreflecting: End-of-periodoutstandingamounts
as % of2005 i.i.p. pricechanges exchangeratechanges otheradjustments as % ofGDP
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) In this table, contrary to the balance of payments sign convention, a positive (negative) number indicates an increase (decrease) of euro area assets.
Financial account balance/Net international investment position -790.7 -888.7 -837.7 -186.7 -118.0 - 45.7 -151.9 37.4 -1,024.4 -12.1
Direct investment 85.1 78.2 361.8 55.3 136.4 - 29.4 -80.3 -30.2 417.1 4.9
Abroad 2,169.3 2,321.2 2,809.4 266.5 334.3 11.9 75.6 -65.9 -77.5 3,075.9 36.5
Equity/reinvested earnings 1,726.8 1,893.0 2,290.8 219.7 265.2 11.6 75.6 -42.8 -78.3 2,510.5 29.8
Other capital 442.5 428.2 518.6 46.8 69.1 13.3 0.0 -23.1 0.8 565.4 6.7
In the euro area 2,084.2 2,243.0 2,447.6 211.2 197.9 8.1 46.2 14.4 -47.3 2,658.8 31.5
Equity/reinvested earnings 1,510.1 1,669.7 1,841.2 198.7 172.3 9.4 46.2 13.2 -33.0 2,039.8 24.2
Other capital 574.1 573.3 606.5 12.5 25.6 4.2 0.0 1.2 -14.3 619.0 7.3
Portfolio investment -930.5 -1,044.7 -1,233.9 -290.0 -276.4 - -5.2 -33.8 25.3 -1,523.9 -18.1
Assets 2,655.4 3,036.5 3,876.6 564.7 535.0 13.8 220.7 -84.8 -106.2 4,441.3 52.7
Equity securities 1,090.6 1,249.8 1,725.0 287.0 156.3 9.1 248.6 -47.0 -70.9 2,012.0 23.9
Debt securities 1,564.8 1,786.8 2,151.6 277.7 378.7 17.6 -27.9 -37.8 -35.2 2,429.3 28.8
Bonds and notes 1,323.4 1,499.8 1,835.6 215.9 309.5 16.9 -27.9 -26.9 -38.7 2,051.5 24.3
Money market instruments 241.3 287.0 316.0 61.8 69.2 21.9 0.0 -10.9 3.5 377.8 4.5
Liabilities 3,585.9 4,081.3 5,110.5 854.8 811.4 15.9 225.9 -51.1 -131.4 5,965.2 70.7
Equity securities 1,571.4 1,766.2 2,434.4 498.1 309.2 12.7 297.4 -46.5 -62.0 2,932.5 34.8
Debt securities 2,014.4 2,315.1 2,676.0 356.7 502.2 18.8 -71.6 -4.6 -69.4 3,032.7 36.0
Bonds and notes 1,774.4 2,089.1 2,371.1 367.6 500.1 21.1 -71.6 -4.7 -56.2 2,738.8 32.5
Money market instruments 240.0 226.0 304.9 -10.9 2.1 0.7 0.0 0.1 -13.2 293.9 3.5
Financial derivatives -19.8 -37.3 -46.1 2.7 -2.5 - 5.1 0.0 0.0 -43.5 -0.5
Other investment -232.3 -165.8 -239.6 39.6 23.2 - 0.0 -22.7 39.1 -200.0 -2.4
Assets 2,706.1 3,002.7 3,769.1 623.0 721.5 19.1 0.0 -126.3 27.8 4,392.0 52.1
Eurosystem 5.9 5.1 5.8 3.0 2.9 50.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 8.8 0.1
General government 127.5 130.5 127.6 -10.5 -1.8 -1.4 0.0 -2.2 -6.5 117.1 1.4
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 1,773.0 1,996.2 2,514.7 423.6 524.1 20.8 0.0 -77.5 -23.0 2,938.3 34.8
Other sectors 799.6 870.9 1,121.0 206.9 196.2 17.5 0.0 -46.6 57.2 1,327.9 15.7
Liabilities 2,938.3 3,168.5 4,008.6 583.4 698.3 17.4 0.0 -103.6 -11.3 4,592.0 54.5
Eurosystem 66.2 74.7 82.4 17.8 18.5 22.5 0.0 0.0 -0.7 100.2 1.2
General government 46.2 45.8 44.3 3.4 1.4 3.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 47.8 0.6
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 2,273.2 2,465.4 3,098.0 369.3 495.7 16.0 0.0 -88.6 -37.8 3,467.3 41.1
Other sectors 552.8 582.6 783.9 192.9 182.6 23.3 0.0 -15.0 25.3 976.8 11.6
Reserve assets 306.7 281.0 320.1 5.7 1.3 0.4 16.4 -15.2 3.3 325.8 3.9
Breakdown of direct investment in equity
Abroad - - 2,290.8 219.7 265.2 11.6 75.6 -42.8 -78.3 2,510.5 29.8
In listed companies (market value) - - 166.2 - - - - - - 199.2 2.4
In unlisted companies - - 2,043.4 - - - - - - 2,227.4 26.4
Real estate and other - - 81.2 - - - - - - 83.9 1.0
Memo: In listed companies (book value) - - 87.5 - - - - - - 111.3 1.3
In the euro area - - 1,841.2 198.7 172.3 9.4 46.2 13.2 -33.0 2,039.8 24.2
In listed companies (market value) - - 57.4 - - - - - - 67.2 0.8
In unlisted companies - - 1,704.0 - - - - - - 1,880.2 22.3
Real estate and other - - 79.8 - - - - - - 92.4 1.1
Memo: In listed companies (book value) - - 23.3 - - - - - - 24.3 0.3